Estimating Option Pricing Models Using a Characteristic Function-Based Linear State Space Representation
Peter Boswijk  1, *  , Roger Laeven  1, *  , Evgenii Vladimirov  1, *@  
1 : University of Amsterdam  (UvA)  -  Website
* : Corresponding author

We develop a novel filtering and estimation procedure for parametric option pricing models driven by general affine jump-diffusions. Our procedure is based on the comparison between an option-implied, model-free representation of the conditional log-characteristic function and the model-implied conditional log-characteristic function which is functionally affine in the model's state vector. We formally derive a linear state space representation and establish the asymptotic properties of the corresponding measurement errors. The state space representation allows us to use suitably extended collapsed Kalman-type filtering techniques and brings important computational advantages. We analyze the finite-sample behavior of our procedure in Monte Carlo simulations. The applicability of our procedure is illustrated in two case studies that analyze S&P 500 option prices and the impact of exogenous state variables capturing Covid-19 reproduction and economic policy uncertainty.

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